The War of 1812 2023-07-02T02:19:08+00:00

The War of 1812

War of 1812 Dramatic Educational Showcase

In 2012, a new component was developed to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 to foster greater awareness and understanding among Canadians of the importance of this moment in our history.  Featured three times at the Governor General’s Excellence in Teaching History Awards Gala at the Canadian Museum of History and the War Museum.

Historical Vignettes:
These vignettes, either as part of the larger Canada Roars presentation or as stand a-lone features, have enabled audiences to recognize Canada’s diverse and exceptional figures, places and accomplishments, enhanced knowledge and understanding of our shared history and values, and has provided opportunities for Canadians to participate in commemorative activities and celebrations.

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Photo credit Alan Dean Photography